are many ethical issues about which Christians should hold a considered
opinion. One I believe is the topic of raffles and draws. Of course opinions
will vary and may be supported by scripture and experience. My own stance in
not partaking in raffles is a current, but long-time held, personal view from
my own faith perspective and life experience. This reflection is how I see it.
and draws in various forms are usually used to raise money for charities
including churches. Raising funds is a creditable and very necessary activity
to support the church and its activities. It is important I feel to look for
guidance on how we do this in the Bible, but, as is often the case, we may not
find definitive answers relevant to the 21st century. We do read, in
scripture, about appeals to raise money for the poor (Acts 11:29-30) and other
occasions when churches give money to support each other’s work (e.g. 1 Cor 15;
2 Cor 8) or when congregations supported Paul personally (e.g. Philippians) and
of course Jesus’ disciples needed funds to live, for which Judas Iscariot was
the accountant it seems (John 13:29), but I don’t recall them ever worrying
about money. Scripture does not seem clear on these occasions what methods were
used to raise funds; it does suggest the funds are from generous, sacrificial
and faithful giving by the community with no strings attached. In my own
experience there are many churches for which this is true.
of the most famous sayings from the Bible, often misquoted, is that “the love
of money is the root of all kinds of evil” (1 Tim 6:10) and Jesus reminded us
that money should not be a priority in our lives as it can cloud our judgements
when he said, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one
and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You
cannot serve God and money” (Matt 6:24). Gambling is defined as taking a chance on
something in the hope of gain. It is my view that raffles are a form of
gambling, albeit low level. This I feel is a “thin-end-of the-wedge” situation
which could be applied to a number of other things, many of which unarguably can
lead to society’s downfall.
It is my personal view that the National Lottery, a
random draw, is an insidious evil in society. It effectively taxes those who
cannot afford to spare cash by giving them false hope in a materialistic dream
in return for doing nothing – no wonder the moral values in our society are
declining. Looking at the sociological background here, this contradicts the
traditional protestant work ethic of working hard for your needs.
the millions of pounds donated by the National Lottery funds to charity similarly
cannot reasonably justify this deceptively bad activity – if these are really worthy
causes then either we should pay for them as a society together in our tax
system or we should surely be prepared to give generously and altruistically,
as the early churches did, without any strings or incentives. I am also saddened
that as shops in our high streets close they are replaced by charity shops and
bookmakers, the juxtaposition of which must indicate interesting sociological trends.
In my view the hopelessness of many people in our community is a reflection on
the changing values in our moral codes. Hope for those who have little or
nothing is no longer expressed in a faith, but in material wealth and envy. The
Gospel message has a much better hope to offer.
may say that this is far too serious and I over-state the case; a small raffle
is “only a bit of fun” or “what folks want or enjoy”. These arguments I fear are
a subtle ploy used by Satan to con people. Hallowe’en activities (as I have
written elsewhere) have been described as fun, but then turn frightening when, as
Trick or Treat has escalated, some older people are now too scared to open
their doors or young people take an unhealthy interest in the occult and get
sucked in. Similarly giving people exactly what they want or enjoy is often not
what they most need nor is it necessarily a good witness to our Lord; for
example there is a difficult decision in giving money or not to a genuine
beggar, of whom there are an increasing number in our so-called civilised
country; he/she may then be tempted to spend it on drink rather than food or
clothes. The enculturation (doing what the locals do) of church activities to
“get alongside local people” is a difficult one. Imagine working as witness in
a red-light district. There is no need for the Christian to compromise and
behave in the same way or act as pimps to gain credibility. Perhaps we should
always ask, “What impression or image are we giving of the church? Is it
right?” Christian events, put on by people who claim to be “The Redeemed”, do
need to be distinctive, i.e. in some way different and attractive in a positive
way, so that people ask the question, “What is it that they have got that I
raffles are not mentioned in the Bible, but drawing lots after prayer is indeed
a method used on a number of occasions to make decisions. Joshua cast lots to
share the land fairly (Josh 18:10) and the disciples selected Matthias, the
replacement for Judas Iscariot, by drawing lots (Acts 1:23-26). Sadly the most
obvious and saddest time when lots are drawn is by the soldiers wanting a
souvenir of Jesus’ crucifixion as they selfishly drew lots for his seamless
garment (John 19:24); a tragic example of people seeking personal gain and losing
focus on what really matters – God on the cross. We must ensure we keep our
priorities right and use our energy accordingly.
personal conclusions therefore are that it is not possible to justify any
specific means of fund-raising on the grounds that it makes a lot of money, as
this premise could lead to justification of other activities that are clearly
immoral in most people’s eyes, and the most important source of church funds
should be personal stewardship. Secondly, the trends of a secular society need
always to be reflected on carefully and if we really live by faith, we should
not be ruled by concerns about money and let that cloud our deliberations; it
may cause us perhaps to take our eyes off our Lord.
I turn to Paul’s letters again. In 1 Cor 6:12 we are told that, “Everything is
permissible, but not everything is beneficial”. A similar quote appears in 1
Cor 10:23, ““Everything is permissible, but not everything is constructive”.
The questions I ask myself in making a decision are “Is this activity
beneficial to me or will it become my master and indispensable?” and “Will
doing this be constructive to my ministry and life as a Christian witness?” For
me the considered answers about raffles are negative. Personally I cannot
support them.
cannot make decisions for other people on moral matters such as whether or not
to organise or to take part in a raffle and how to raise funds. As a professional
teacher and educator I will not give right answers to ethical questions, for
that is indoctrination. There are no generic right answers to these issues, but
I can draw attention to the guidance in scripture. My greatest desire is that the
church (that is all the people who love our Lord) will make their own mature, prayerful
decisions individually and then as groups and then be content with what is
decided collectively, seeking the very best way forward for the good of all in God’s
How refreshing to see in print what I believe to be true wisdom from God, but which I have been unable to put into words so clearly. Thank you Kevin!