My memory may be wrong. It may have been my father who said it. It may have been on just one occasion, but “What if everybody did it?” stuck with me. It’s a maxim worth exploring, both for the damage it may cause, but also the good.
Headlines from the BBC website:
“Coronavirus: Thousands spoken to by police for flouting lockdown
Police spoke to thousands of people for flouting social distancing rules over the Easter bank holiday weekend.
They include a couple from Hertfordshire who drove to Brighton to walk on the beach and a family from London who drove to the Lake District.”
A few stupid, selfish people have disregarded the Government guidelines on visiting relatives, holding parties or invading beauty spots. It may be they have not given it one moment of thought, but my guess is that many believed their little “bending of the rules” would not affect anyone else. Not a thought for, “What if everybody did it?”
Those who fly-tip while the hard-pressed council services have to cut garden waste collections. Who do they think will clear it up? They don’t think at all, certainly never, “What if everybody did it?”
And irrespective of the virus, one of my hobbyhorses, those few people who exceed speed limits on motorways. They not only give a bad example to their children about “doing as you are told”, but also cause others to brake sharply, unable to pull out at a legitimate speed to change lanes. They cause endless stress. Of course, they are all brilliant drivers aren’t they, but imagine the danger for all if everyone drove above the agreed sensible limits and too close, bearing in mind that the energy of a vehicle and stopping distance is a square function of velocity.
As for “centre-lane-only-drivers”! What if everybody....? Rant over!
On the positive side, let’s start with a look at manners. Nothing to do with gender, but imagine what it would be like if everyone glanced behind as they went through a door and held it with a smile if they were being followed through? (Social-distancing of course)

What if everybody both gave and received help with good grace or paid a compliment to someone each day?
And for society on a national scale...what if everyone paid their due taxes, set by a democratically elected government, willingly?
What if everyone paid a fair price for their food?
What if everybody did just one thing each day towards improving the climate and environment? Perhaps by using one fewer one-use plastic item.
What if everyone drove one fewer car journey each week and walked, shared public transport or worked from home? We’ve seen what immediate effect it can have during this “lockdown” time.
What if everybody planted a tree?
What if everyone washed their hand more regularly and thoroughly?
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try being in bed with a mosquito.” (Attributed to the Dali Lama).
“One and one and one...makes a million.” I think that was a folk song.
What if everybody ...?
Complete the sentence with your own examples.
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try being in bed with a mosquito.” (Attributed to the Dali Lama).
“One and one and one...makes a million.” I think that was a folk song.
What if everybody ...?
Complete the sentence with your own examples.
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